Moray Pathways Employability Training
The UHI Moray employability team has a significant involvement in helping unemployed people to return to the world of work by linking individuals to employers, volunteering opportunities, and further education.
- We are part of Moray Pathways which is a single point of contact for individuals, businesses and organisations to find opportunities in education, training or employment. The Moray Pathways partnership consists of several community stakeholders who provide barrier removal support and employability provision to the people of Moray.
- In partnership with Enable Works, we support individuals through the Moray Sector Based Work Academy Programme (SWAP). This programme allows us to offer 1-to-1, fully funded and tailored training packages, matching your skills and interests so you can achieve recognised certification and the training you need to succeed.
We can provide 1-to-1 and group support to explore your options including:
- Employability Tools: CVs, cover letters, job application forms, interview prep
- Soft skills: build confidence, improve your communication, time management, problem solving and teamwork
- Accredited qualifications: First Aid, CSCS Health and Safety, Food Hygiene, Working Safely plus many more
- Work Placements: help to match skills and interests to the workplace to explore work and volunteering possibilities
- Research further or higher education courses at UHI Moray
- Help you to find the right job!
Sectors and courses
Sectors and courses
We offer courses and training in most sectors including:
- Hospitality
- Construction
- Horticulture and Grounds Maintenance
- Retail
- Sports and Leisure
- Manufacturing
- Creative Industries
- Childcare/Education
- Social Services
Gain industry recognised qualifications such as:
- First Aid
- REHIS Food Hygiene Certificate
- Customer Service
Support for organisations
Support for organisations
Do you work with anyone who would benefit from help in finding a vocation or training that matches their interests and abilities?
We equip participants with the skills they need to succeed and thrive. They will gain a range of soft skills needed to succeed together with volunteering and workplace opportunities, accredited certification and further learning opportunities. They will improve their confidence, gain communication and team working skills while expanding their knowledge and understanding of the opportunities that are available.
Support for unemployed individuals
Support for unemployed individuals
If you are unsure of what you want to do, thinking about college, or looking for help and advice for getting into the job market then we can offer you 1-to-1 support and tailored training packages in any employment sector to help find the right job for you to match your skills and interests. You will gain recognised certification and training along with all the skills you need to succeed and thrive.

Download our brochure
- Get an understanding of how we can support you as an individual or as an organisation
- Would you like a physical copy? Get in touch
Client feedback

“The course helped a lot, it was all about safety and it’s so important to work safely here at Chivas Brothers. The banksman training I use a lot too.
After the course I got to do a three-week work experience placement. I got to do a week each in different areas, so the labs, warehouse and distillery. That was perfect because it let you get a taster of each bit to see what you enjoy most. For me, the placement wasn’t about getting paid, it was about getting that experience of work so I would definitely recommend it.
I’ve said it before but the support from the employability team was great, they stayed in touch after the course to see how I was getting on.”

After returning to education, to complete a course in Digital Media Rebecca was struggling with personal circumstances and could not gain employment. After joining Moray SWAP and receiving support she has secured a job starting in November, as Administration Officer for the Scottish Government, Rural and Agriculture Farming.
Rebecca said: “I found the service very helpful, since coming onto the project I have been able to achieve qualifications and participate in courses I would not have had opportunities to do which I feel has helped me to progress personally and professionally, towards achieving sustainable employment.”

Colleen immigrated from Namibia (South Africa) to Scotland in April 2024 and after taking some time off, she started to look for employment and needed assistance with understanding the job market in Scotland.
Colleen said: “The support I receive is mainly in the form of changing my CV to suit the UK job market as well as advice and guidance regarding any interviews as well as covering letters and applications for posts advertised. This has helped me understand the job market. I also attended work experience over a period of one week with Morgan Sindall that I found interesting and gave me a 3 sense of how companies are run and operated within Scotland.”

Dylan and Lucy
Dylan: “On the dumping line you work until break on one area, then you move onto the next, and after lunch you move on again and then you’re back where you started. I love it, it’s better than any job I’ve ever done. It’s hard work but I can’t see a time where I’m not working for Chivas Brothers. Following the course, you have all that experience and qualifications that can help you with so much more in the future or in other industries."
Lucy: “I like the shifts and I like the dumping line as well. I do them a week at a time so one week is shifts then the next dumping. The course is definitely worth it, you get experience that you wouldn’t get anywhere else and it will help you get a job. Chivas Brothers definitely look after you, they’re really good at making you feel part of the team.”