BLOG: Carinne, BSc (Hons) Sport and Fitness Graduate

BSc (Hons) Sport and Fitness Graduate, Carinne, looks back on her time as a student of Moray College UHI.

Hi Carinne! Can you tell us a little about yourself?

Hi, I’m Carinne Taylor, I studied full-time at Moray College UHI and graduated with a BSc (Hons) in Sport and Fitness in 2018.

Why did you decide to study this course?

I considered applying elsewhere after completing my HND year, but I decided to complete my Honours degree with Moray College UHI due to the level of support and opportunities available throughout the course. I was also able to complete my Higher English alongside my 4th year studies which was a huge bonus.

Ultimately, the BSc (Hons) Sport and Fitness course offered a variety of subjects and practical elements within the course that covered the different pathways in sport and fitness. So, I was able to gain the qualification and experience while keeping my options open to the route I chose post education.

Upon starting your course did you have a clear career path?

I had absolutely no idea what I wanted to do. I have always had an interest and passion for sport, so gaining a qualification in that sector seemed like a good choice. The opportunities and insights from lecturers about the different possible career routes I could choose with the qualification inspired me to try different things.

What steps did you take after graduating?

After graduating, I worked for Active Schools as a Lead Sports Coach and then progressed to working full-time in Sports Development, using the degree I had earned. Since then, I have moved onto my current role with DYW Moray as a School Co-ordinator which involves creating links between local partners, employers and schools to better prepare young people for the world of work. Although it is not sports based, the skills I have gained from studying and coaching have been completely transferable to this role. It is also a good opportunity to share my own education and career journey with the young people of Moray, and to show you can stay local and still achieve great things.

How did you find our blended learning approach?

There was a good balance between face-to-face lectures, online work and reading tasks in every year. Once you understood what lecturers expected from you for each module it was easy to manage. It was also always good to have the chance to put our learning into practice through the practical sessions.

Did you feel supported throughout your studies?

The support from all the lecturers in the Sports Department was brilliant, both during my time at college and even since graduating. They all have a lot of time for their students and love to see them succeed. The additional support I received from my lecturers and the Study Support team in terms of my Dyslexia was made specific to my own needs which was a huge benefit. Small changes can make a massive difference, and because of the adaptions and support they offered, it enabled me to achieve my Honours degree and an A in Higher English.

Did you undertake any work experience opportunities throughout the course?

We completed various work experience placements as part of the course, both as a solo coach and as a team. We went to schools, volunteered at events with Scottish Disability Sport and also got to gain an understanding from different partnerships in the industry with various National Governing Bodies. These were all experiences that for me lead to my part time employment with Active Schools.

What skills have you gained from the course that you find valuable?

There are many skills that are important but good time management, verbal and written communication are the key skills that I still use every day, and these were skills I really developed while studying at Moray College UHI. I also developed good computing and IT skills, teamworking skills and how to manage group tasks has proved useful too. While it was Sport and Fitness I studied, I also gained knowledge of various organisations and how channels of communication worked, knowledge that is important regardless of what industry you are working in.

How do you feel your studies have helped you with your career?

The CPD opportunities that were available made a big difference, continuous learning is something that can give you an edge over other candidates when applying for jobs or further studies. It can often give you more of a practical understanding of your qualifications and show you how to put the knowledge you have gained into practice. The biggest gain is the transferable skills that you learn, not just with content but around academic writing, research techniques, reading skills, communication, and time management. All skills that are vital to take into any future employment.

Where would you like to go with your career in the future?

I had originally thought about professional coaching in sport but now having experience of working with students, becoming a Sports Lecturer would be something I would like to look at in the future.

What were your highlights of studying at Moray College UHI?

The people I met while studying and the opportunities we had to put our knowledge into practice.

What would people be surprised to know about you?

It might be a surprise that Golf is my main sport and I currently hold a +2 handicap.

Carinne Taylor, BSc Hons Sport and Fitness graduate at golf club

If you could invite any 3 people to dinner, who would you choose and why?

Tiger Woods, Doddie Weir & Annika Sorenstam.

All inspirational sporting heroes who have had a massive influence on changing the way their sports are played today. It would be amazing to hear their stories first-hand.

What advice would you give to anyone thinking of studying at Moray College UHI?

Find something you have a real passion for and enjoy doing. You can achieve anything you put your mind to.

We offer a range of Sport and Fitness qualifications to suit everyone, from SCQF Level 6 through to Honours degrees. With courses starting in September, studying at Moray College UHI gives you the perfect opportunity towards securing a successful future.

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