Graduate Thoughts: HNCs

Seen as a foundation to a degree, HNCs (Higher National Certificates) allow you to gain a valuable and buildable qualification, without committing to a subject with four years of study all at once.

Specifically designed to lead to careers, giving you the knowledge and the practical skills that employers are looking for, they allow you to get a feel for a subject and where it can take you.

Unsure if they are right for you? Here’s what some of our former students had to say about their experience.

Joe Gentleman – HNC Digital Design and Web Development

The course gave me a strong foundation in a lot of areas that I would have never got involved with if I had not taken this course such as working with Games Development and Level Design. I exercised a lot of valuable skills such as working as a team building, time management, problem solving and being open minded.

Alan Simpson - HNC Sport Coaching and Development

I was confident at coaching adults but not so much coaching kids, this course gave me tools and ideas and opportunities to coach children in sport. I have also learned a lot more about including people with additional needs into sports. The areas around sport development helped me understand how to form a supportive community and the need for diversity to make the group as inclusive as possible.  I learned and became more confident in risk assessments and developing session plans.

Kelly Cormack – HNC Business

In 2013 my ambition was to leave UHI Moray with a HNC in Business, here I am in 2023 as a lecturer in business. Think big! Nothing is impossible, all you need is self-belief and a strong work ethic to achieve your dreams.

Finlay Laing – HNC Professional cookery

The course teaches so many skills that are essential to chefs and I use these everyday at work. The most crucial skill I think was the organisation of work when in the kitchen and the importance of working clean and organised. When you finish your course and start working this is a crucial skill as kitchens are busy and there isn’t space for mess.

Caitlin Thorpe - HNC Social Sciences

If I am honest at the beginning of the course, I was quite in my own head and shy however as the course developed and I began to make friends and learn about the social sciences I started realising how much the world had to offer and how interesting it could be.  UHI Moray gave me confidence to say what I thought about different topics and think about subjects. It also enabled me to start enjoying life again.

Whether you choose to study part-time (1 day per week) or full-time (3 days per week), there are lots of paths you can take to reach a career that you love

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