Tony Allen


I am part of the Engineering Lecturing team at the Linkwood Technology Centre campus, specialising in Mechanical Engineering and CADD (Computer Aided Design and Draughting). I am also undertaking a research project into effectiveness of Solar Thermal Energy capture for effective contribution to space heating within domestic properties.

CADD students can develop skills ranging from 2D and isometric drawings, through to 3D (3-Dimensional) Design using commercial software packages, which can then be printed on campus using small Ultimaker 3D printers. Recently, students have undertaken projects which comprise of recreating 3D models of small castles or old depilated churches, using drones with cameras or phone cameras, which are then able to be 3D printed to scale (utilising a lot of developed skills).

About Me: I emigrated ‘North’ from Middle England-shire many years ago, for the rugged coastline and underwater scenery along the Moray coast. As an BSAC (British Sub-aqua Club) Advanced Instructor and a Diver Cox’n Assessor, taking on the role of Area coach (before hanging up my fins), what a fantastic place to settle down.

My past life was as a Chemical Engineer, working within the Research and Development departments of various large Food and Drink manufacturers, including a local Distillery.