Stuart Cruickshank


Stuart is the support staff representative on the Moray College UHI Board of Management.  He has worked within the Further and Higher Education sector for over 20 years.  His current role at the College is Administration Centre Manager.  He manages the following functional support areas at the College: Admissions, Registry, Student Finance, Management Information Systems and Accommodation as well as managing the administrative support to other key areas within the College.  He also has responsibility for the organisation of key student events such as Induction and Graduation.

Stuart is a hugely motivated individual, who is dedicated to developing and enhancing the services that the College delivers to its students.  He currently represents the College through various groups, ensuring the things that we are good are known, are used to influence change but also recognises where improvements can be made.

He is delighted to join the Board of Management and looks forward to supporting the sustained success of the College as it continues to improve opportunities for students and staff.

Declaration of Interest